You probably don’t want to make the investment in a new roof right now, but ignoring a failing one will lead to serious problems. Water leaks damage the interior of your home, mold will start to form and the resulting bills will be far higher than the cost of a roof repair or replacement. If you aren’t sure whether your roof needs replacing or not, Alpine Roofing Construction suggests using this short checklist to see what kind of condition your roof is in.
Step Back and View the Lines
Some roof decks sag and it’s a normal part of aging, but noticeable dips are a problem that should be addressed. They indicate water damage, so you should have a professional come out and take a closer look at those sagging sections.
While you’re taking a look at the roof from the street, look for dark stains that run down the shingles. Experts in roofing construction confirm that this is usually the result of protective granules washing off the roof. Without the protective granules, residential roofing is more likely to leak. Look for shingles that are missing, and use binoculars to scan the roofline and check for broken shingles.
If you have a flat commercial roof, then you will need to go up onto the roof to check for standing water, torn seams or rust stains. Any of these are indicators that your roof is either currently leaking or on the verge of failure.
Walk the Foundation
Take a walk around the foundation and look closely at the ground. Are there pieces of broken shingles? Are you seeing a sandy or granular residue that you don’t recognize? These both indicate that the shingles on your roof are nearing the end of their lives.
Interior Inspection
The next step is to take a walk through the property and look at the ceiling. If possible, enter the attic to look directly at the bottom of your roof sheathing. Whether you have residential or commercial roofing, you should look for water stains, damage, mold or areas where the sunlight can steam through. use a flashlight to see into dark corners. In both private homes and businesses, you should look closely at chimneys and vents that penetrate through the roof.
If you find any of these issues, then you can call an OKC roofer for effective roof repair services. The professionals can provide you with repairs and advise you if it’s time to replace the roof. It’s best to catch these problems and address them before your roof starts leaking, so call Alpine Roofing Construction today at 214-528-9897 if you have any concerns.